
The Laramie Writers Group provides an open environment for writers of all genres to receive feedback and encouragement. We strive to create a climate that is supportive, honest, and free of prejudice.


Critiquing Sessions
·         Each meeting will have a critiquing session scheduled, for reviewing works by one or two authors (depending on length of pieces being critiqued).
·         Each critique meeting will have writers who are scheduled to have their work discussed and will have provided the work ahead time via hard copy or media.  (This can be any type of writing – novels, poetry, songs, short stories, non-fiction, etc.)
·         If you have never participated in critiquing sessions, you are encouraged to check
for useful information.

Receiving Feedback
·         Please keep pieces for critique at or under 5000 words to respect other members time.
·         Bring extra copies  of the work for new members.
·         When it is your turn to bring in a piece for in-depth feedback, always bring copies of your work for the group at meeting prior to critique night. Other members will take your work home, review it, write comments, and then come in prepared to discuss it with the group.
·         Always include your name on your work, as well as page numbers.
·         It’s useful to know what your intent for the piece being reviewed is. For instance, personal enjoyment, for publication, etc. Other useful information might include any deadlines, word limits, whether or not this is part of something larger, and any planned submissions.
·         If you want feedback on a specific area of your work, let the group know what that is before they read. The author can also request a format for feedback.
·         Authors are advised to listen to feedback in entirety before asking questions or explaining their work. They can choose to simply listen to the discussion or to participate after each critique or when all critiquers have given their input.
·         There is a three-to-one ratio for getting your work critiqued: your work will not be eligible for critiquing, unless you have reviewed pieces by three other authors since your last piece was brought to the group.

Giving Feedback
·         When giving feedback, it’s best to avoid negative tones. For instance, “I’m confused about when this is taking place”, rather than, “This timeline is terrible!”  We are also looking for feedback about what does work in a piece.
·         Remember to discuss the quality of the work, rather than content. If you want to discuss the philosophy, politics, or deeper meaning of somebody’s work, arrange a time separate from our regular meetings.
·         Don’t use the critiquing sessions for mechanics, such as punctuation or simple notes about possible word changes. Those should be written onto the piece for the author to review later.
·         During critiquing sessions avoid too much repetition, which can slow down the process. It’s important for the author to get as much information as possible during the time allotted.
·         It is vital that we develop trust with the group process. Without honest feedback, our writing will have less chance of improving. While following the guidelines of offering feedback in ways that are not hurtful, do give the author useful and truthful information.

Craft, Resources, and Discussion
·         The first meeting of the month will have time set aside for writing craft, resource sharing, and discussion on member questions about craft or industry.
·         An informal presentation will be given, so bring a pen and paper or word processor to take notes and write questions to ask and discuss afterward.
·         These are also good times to share resources and information that you believe will help others in the group to reach their goals.
·         At previous meeting, the group will ask for volunteers to share about a particular part of the writing craft.

Writing Exercises
·         The second meeting of the month will have time set aside for writing exercises after the critique time.  Any member can offer ideas for writing exercises, or provide examples from books, or the time can be used for free-writing. Bring a pen and extra paper or a word processor.

Separate Critiques
·         There may be times when a member of the group wants something critiqued outside of the normal sessions. For instance, wanting feedback on something more quickly than the group process allows, or on which of a number of poems might work together for a contest. Whatever the reason, send out a general request, including what type of work you need critiqued, the length of the piece, and how quickly you’d like to receive the feedback. The author and reviewers can then decide on how to proceed - whether all feedback will be written or whether they’ll get together one-on-one.

·         Guests are welcome, but we do ask that after attending a meeting you let us know whether or not you wish to continue with the group. That way we can add you to our contact list and also work you into the rotation (after you have critiqued the required three pieces by other authors).

·         We communicate largely through e-mail. If you prefer phone calls, please let us know that.
·         It’s helpful (but not mandatory) to let us know if you aren’t going to be able to attend any particular night. A phone call or e-mail is appreciated.
·         As a member of the group you’ll be given contact information for others. If you need to receive or give something to another member, or have a question for them, please contact that person directly.

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