Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wyoming Writers Conference in June

We had our second writer's group meeting of 2015 this past Wednesday and I had so much fun! (I think everyone else did to). Emily shared about the pyramid approach to building a novel starting with a single summary sentence. Then we each shared a one sentence summary of a writing project we are either working on or plan to work on, and spent some time writing to expand our sentence into a paragraph or more. My paragraphs were completely unorganized but I got some good ideas out of it.

We also went over critique guidelines since we'll start critiquing at the next meeting (I've post here on the Guidelines page). We'll also do a writing exercise at the next meeting if time allows. Ideas for exercises are welcome, or I might suggest from one of my favorite writing books, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldman.

Passing on this annoucement I just saw:

Wyoming Writers, Inc. conference to be held June 5-7 in Cheyenne, Wyo.
The 2015 Wyoming Writers, Inc. conference will be held in Cheyenne, Wyoming June 5th through 7th at the Holiday Inn.

Presenters will include poet Aaron Abeyta, of Alamosa, Colorado; novelist Laura Pritchett, award-winning author of Stars Go Blue; and Kent Nelson, essayist and author of the short story collection, Spirit Bird: Stories.

Representatives from the publishing world will also be in attendance: Meghan Saar, editor of True West magazine; Tiffany Schofield, editor of Five Star Publishing (Cengage); and Patrick Thomas, editor of Milkweed Editions.

Early bird registration (before May 15) is $215 and includes a one-year membership to Wyoming Writers, Inc. More information is available on the website at, or contact

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